About Us
HiRES64 is a favorites music review blog. Blogger like to remark lovely music and related information through internet portal. If you are looking any fantastic music, here can be one of your music and information station.
Beside to afford the cost of website, we also need to pay for cloud storage service fee yearly and rip CD (including SACD) content to a digital format (wav, flac, ape, ISO, dsf, dff). Now, CAS (also known as PCHIFI) has become an easy way to listen music. Advantage of digital content are for better content management and long keeping for out of print music.
If you found any music in here are out of current market, you are free to get it. With purpose to sustainable this site for continuously share fantastic music, please support us with DONATION, all collection will use for operating fee (hosting, domain & cloud storage yearly renewal fees).
HiRES64 will reward your contribution in the form of points. Every donation will earn some amount points, and the points allow you to get music.
Thanks you for your support!
Meaning of HiRES.64
HiRES is a term from High-resolution and its for audio files greater than 16bit 44.1khz. Audio file with 24bit and at least 44.1khz classified as HiRES audio.
HiRES64 is a term from combination HiRes and DSD64. DSD is a trademark used by Sony and Philips for SACD. DSD is term from Direct Stream Digital. 64 mean 64 times the CD audio sampling rate of 44.1Khz.
In here, HiRes64 in the way to introduce and encourage members to enjoy high quality favor music.
本站除了承担建站费用外,也必须付费租购云端盘(Cloud Storage),将所有光盘(CD & SACD) rip成数据格式。CAS (PCHIFI)已经成为博主收听好歌的简易方式。数据化音乐档,能更好的管理,也较能让绝版的音乐得已保存。
为什么网站取名为HiRES.64 「海律」?
HiRES这个字对许多人来说已经不在陌生。这个字代表着高清的音乐。这字源自High-resolution audio的缩写。以往一片音乐光碟(Audio CD)所能储存的规格就只是16bit 44.1khz。