Best Audiophile Voices Album Collection
Selection, HIFI / July 22, 2018
The Best Audiophile Voices samplers that are transferred to CD from the Singapore-based label from various high-quality studio master tapes have been around for some time. For those who are not yet familiar with the series – which is often played around the world during hifi shows – they asked me if I was interested to discuss some of these high-quality silver discs for the readers of Hifi.nl .
The second part of the Best Audiophile Voices series thus lies in the drawer of my running gear. And it is not just a CD. For this audiophile press, Premium Records uses the knowledge and techniques of the Japanese JVC, which minutely edits each track on this sampler before it is finally recorded on a final master version. It uses an analog mastering console, a 20 bit A / D converter, K2 coding, a K2 Master Clock and laser and eventually an XRCD cutting machine. A whole process, which can be found online enough and further explanation would make the readability of this discussion not very good.
Audiophile Voices lends itself perfectly well for quiet audiophile listening sessions. Those who can enjoy this album have a great album. The music is very layered, is depicted phenomenally on a good hi-fi set and offers transparency everywhere. Exactly what the audiophile listener enjoys. An album for reference in the vocal field. The music is not exciting, nor does a young audience attract you. Perhaps (hopefully) the record companies realize that too, because if you want to create a future for good reproduction you have to invest in youth. However, this sampler is still a success for the current generation of purist viewers.
这是专以出版发烧人声录音而名扬业界的德国Premium唱片公司所出版发行的一系列精选爵士女声发烧碟,这系列每张唱片内的每首歌的意境、词意、编曲、 配器、还有唱腔都很唯美,很浪漫,也很感性。每一首歌都轻轻唱着不同的爱情故事,爱情有时让人彷佛漫步彩虹之上缤纷轻盈;有时爱情却也教人捉摸不定,爱情 温度就是如此的变幻莫测呀!多少恋人为此在寂寞的夜里轻轻叹息,这些歌曲也正好陪伴每一颗寂寞芳心。这张『发烧圣经 首部曲 爵士女伶篇』中,唱歌的人轻轻柔柔唱出在子夜里的独白,钢琴前奏更舒展了女人晨起前的内心戏。
精美的唱片封套上烙印着熟悉几个的名字,脑海中闪过一句话「这怎么可能?」这张『发烧圣经 首部曲 爵士女伶篇』居然跨越十数家发烧厂牌,把近几年所有值得收藏的爵士女伶几乎一网打尽,还把所有演唱者专辑中最主打、表现最优异的歌曲精选出来,每首都是百听不厌的经典好歌,如果你也喜欢爵士乐女歌手对于情歌丰富的情感及细腻的诠释,这绝对是一张让你爱不释手、一遍又一遍反复聆赏的「极致佳酿」,听过的人绝对 会明白这么说真的一点都不夸张。除了耐听度一流,本片拥有极致的发烧录音,透过24Bit高解析录音,临场的真实感让人闭上眼,彷佛就穿越了空间跟时间来 到环场音效饱满的国家级演艺厅,顺着优美的歌声,无论你正在热恋、失恋或是单恋,这里的歌,肯定都能让你的感觉更深更浓。
专辑列表/Album Lists:
- 1993 Best Audiophile Voices I Download Now
- 1998 Best Audiophile Voices II Download Now
- 2004 Best Audiophile Voices III Download Now
- 2005 Best Audiophile Voices IV Download Now
- 2006 Best Audiophile Voices Selection Download Now
- 2007 Best Audiophile Voices V Download Now
- 2010 Best Audiophile Voices VI Download Now
- 2011 Best Audiophile Voices VII Download Now