Category Original Picture Motion Music
Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon

Epic Music Audiomachine

Audiomachine has been known widely for their various pieces featured in trailers, along with their involvement in the Transformers, Resident Evil, Spiderman, The Kite Runner, Harry Potter, Die Hard, Avatar, Thor, The Grey, Man In Black 3, The Hunger Games, The King's Speech, Hugo, The Iron Lady, Life Of Pi and othes.
Epic Music Two Steps From Hell

Two Steps From Hell were one of the pioneers of making so-called “trailer music” more than just that, essentially helping turn it into its own genre by combining classical and more modern sounds in an epic amalgamation of music.
东方原声大师 久石让

久石让是日本非常著名的编曲和总监。这位音乐家可以说是亚洲伟大的作曲编曲大师。开始认识他是因为他的好搭档,宫崎骏的经典动画。几乎来自Ghibli Studio的动画都是这位大师音乐的操刀,并造就了许多的动画经典的音乐。

Animation Movies OST

Erich Kunzel – Round-Up, 1986/2006

The Cincinnati Pops is one of America’s favorite orchestras, playing classical hits, orchestral versions of pop and jazz, movie themes and show tunes…
Top Gun – Various artists

チェコ・フィル プレイズ スタジオジブリ交响曲集
