Category Classical Orchestra

1978年,坂本龙一、细野晴臣、高桥幸宏三人组了一支乐队Yellow Magic Orchestra, 简称YMO。同年他们发表第一张同名大碟《Yellow Magic Orchestra》,在日本几乎没什么反响。
Chen Sa – Memories Lost

曾有德国的元老乐评人称陈萨的演奏「不时能感受到地下火山般的热情」。 她被列入在东京的「二十世纪百位伟大的钢琴家」系列,并在萧邦诞辰200年时受获波兰政府颁发的萧邦艺术护照。
Academy of Ancient Music, Richard Egarr – Handel: Organ Concertos Op.4

The scholarly searchlight of indefatigable Richard Egarr now falls on the Handel Organ concertos. These have been astonishingly popular since their inception around 1733 as interlude entertainment in Handel’s lucrative series of oratorios.
Valery Gergiev, Kirov Orchestra – Shostakovich Symphony NO 5 & 9

The argument could be made that Valery Gergiev and his Kirov orchestra’s 2002 recording of Shostakovich’s Fifth and Ninth symphonies on Philips is the ne plus ultra of Shostakovich recordings.
Valery Gergiev, Kirov Orchestra – Shostakovich Symphony 4

Valery Gergiev holds the opening movement of Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 4 together by sheer willpower. Since the gargantuan movement sprawls like a drunken giant, lurching from pseudo-exposition through inchoate development and faux-recapitulation and amorphous coda
Valery Gergiev, Kirov Orchestra & Rotterdam Philarmonic – Shostakovich: Symphony 7 Leningrad

By its very nature, patriotism is vulgar: loud and proud, bombastic and sentimental, and wholeheartedly simple-minded. Or is that less a description of patriotism than a précis of Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 7?
Valery Gergiev, Mariinsky Orchestra and Chorus – Shostakovich: Symphonies Nos 3 & 10

The trend in the 21st century has been to let the suppressed emotions detailed in the still-controversial Shostakovich memoir Testimony spill over into performances of his music, and this is all to the good: the emotional core of Shostakovich’s music is the experience of living under repression at a fundamental level.
Herbert Kegel, Dresdner Philharmonie – Beethoven: Symphonies 3 & 1

Known in the United States primarily as the conductor of a surefire recording of Orff’s Carmina Burana, Herbert Kegel was respected in Europe as a pivotal figure in establishing the works of such individual Modernists as Blacher, Dallapiccola, Dessau, Penderecki, and Nono in the concert hall and on discs.
Zacharias – Robert Schumann: Symphonies No. 2 & 4

Schumann once posed the question wither sonata form after Beethoven? The older master’s innovations in his late sonatas, quartets, and symphonies had redefined the sonata, taking it to its apogee as a form but also, Schumann feared, to a point of no return.