Category Female Artist
Voice from Scotland Julienne Taylor

A famous Scottish HIFI singer Julienne Taylor also known as "Scotland’s best female voice since Annie Lennox", a lot lyric song sing by Julienne fill with full
Hong Kong Filipino Jheena Lodwick

However Jheena is from Philippine, but she was growth at Hong Kong. Her singing style really differentiate and attractive. Her album produced and recording with tube mic, so can hear a very nice vocal and background music is thick and smooth. I don't think who can skip this voice and especially her vocal are a slightly bleak but fascinating song, every hifier feel inextricable
Canadian Jazz Vocal Diana Krall

In yar 1993, a singer from Canada whose name Diana Krall successed released her first album 「Stepping Out」. This album produced and recording at the small studio Justin Time in Quebec. However, for more than a decade, Diana Krall has become a popular jazz musician, even surpassing the jazz, spanning the pop music world and not compromising across two major areas.
Sinar Malaysia Zee Avi

Zee Avi (born Izyan Alirahman, also known as KokoKaina),PBK is a Malaysian singer-songwriter, guitarist, and ukulele player.
A Thousand Years Christina Perri

开始接触这位歌手是因着一处电影 The Twilight Saga: Breaking,中文译为《暮光之城4:破晓》,这部讲述千年西洋吸血鬼与人的恋情。电影里的一首歌曲 "A Thousand Years"《千年之恋》与电影的情节相辅相成,
Covers – Norah Jones

Norah Jones首张翻唱专辑《Covers》,选取包括Johnny Cash、Bob Dylan、Tom Waits和Wilco等十位摇滚与民谣界巨匠的经典曲目全新编曲演绎。整张专辑都带着舒适的爵士乐基调,如同宁静的夜晚伴你入眠的一阙微醺晚安曲。
Little Broken Hearts – Norah Jones

Norah Jones,1979年3月30日出生于美国纽约布鲁克林区,美国歌手、演员 。
The Fall – Norah Jones

Norah Jones,1979年3月30日出生于美国纽约布鲁克林区,美国歌手、演员 。
Not Too Late – Norah Jones

Feels Like Home – Norah Jones

Norah Jones 第二张专辑在2004.保持了她一贯的水准。但是个人还是觉得没第一张那么惊艳,有点小失望!但还是值得收藏的。因为爵士是不会过时的。