Hong Kong Filipino Jheena Lodwick
Female Artist, Western Music / September 30, 2018
However Jheena is from Philippine, but she was growth at Hong Kong. Her singing style really differentiate and attractive. Her album produced and recording with tube mic, so can hear a very nice vocal and background music is thick and smooth. I don’t think who can skip this voice and especially her vocal are a slightly bleak but fascinating song, every hifier feel inextricable.
Emerald City this song is created and modified from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, it come from folk song group “The Secrects”. It mainly describing the beauty of a paradise, and this paradise are wonderful living place. The whole recording is full of delicate details and a touching feel, and also with Jheena warm and unique vocal, it present a analog style.
However this album including old song, and all song over 10 years, but the charm still exists, and give the listener a different feelings. If you own this album, please listen again, I am sure can easy to enjoy it. If don’t have this album and like to enjoy a vocal hifi song, strong recommend Jheena to you!

Jheena 是一位非常优秀的歌手兼具天分的音乐家。她常在演出当中演奏钢琴,所以在欣赏她的演唱不仅是歌声,而是一场特别的艺术表演。身为菲力宾人的Jheen常在香港著名和其它国家的酒店里驻唱。她的歌声非常特别也容易引起听众对她表演的关注,因为她的演出非常精彩。Jheena也具备极高的语言天赋。除了自身的母语菲力宾语,她也操着一口流利的英语,另外西班牙语和广东话也难不倒她。
专辑列表/Album Lists:
- 2006 – Jheena Lodwick – All My Loving SACD Download Now