Voice from Scotland Julienne Taylor
Female Artist, Western Music / September 30, 2018
A famous Scottish HIFI singer Julienne Taylor also known as “Scotland’s best female voice since Annie Lennox”, a lot lyric song sing by Julienne fill with full emotional vocals, and make the album to own an amazing healing power. The amazing of Julienne album are because the transparent and ethereal scottish song composed, and she has enchanting and captivating voice.
Taylor played in various bands during high school and studied dance and expressive mime in Edinburgh.She moved to London to pursue a career in music and worked at Shepperton Studios as backing vocalist. A serious car crash resulting multiple injuries forced her to pursue a career in studio engineering career.
Her first album was named Racing the Clouds Home in homage to Marillion, the words coming from the song White Russian on their album Clutching at Straws.
Julienne’s debut headline concert took place on 24 September at the Lyric Theatre – The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts featuring The Celtic Connection. The concert was released in CD in late 2012 and on DVD and Blu-ray in late 2013. Julienne returned to Asia for concerts with the legendary folk singer Judy Collins on 2 September 2013 at The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall (Taipei) and 3 September 2013 at the Y-Theatre, Hong Kong.

出生于苏格兰的克尔特民谣女歌手茱丽安妮.泰勒在中学时就曾与许多当地乐团共同演出,累积了不少现场演唱的经验。后来她到爱丁堡修习舞蹈与戏剧,十七岁便隻身前往伦敦追求她的音乐梦。在白天打工、晚上写歌的艰苦生活中,她依然力争上游,持续演唱并与乐团合作,终于获得唱片公司的青睐,发行了首张个人专辑。继2009年大获成功的「恋爱时光」之后,她再度以清新透明的嗓音抚慰众人的心灵。今年九月份,她更将与知名的The Celtic Connection乐团展开巡迴演出,备受歌迷期待。
「The Heart Within」专辑中,茱丽安妮.泰勒开始尝试一些全新曲风,用她个人独特的演唱风格诠译许多经典情歌,而专辑中她自己所写的创作曲深受家乡苏格兰的克尔特风格影响,更显得与众不同。主打歌曲包括翻唱流行天王麦可杰克森的《You Are not Alone》,茱丽安妮.泰勒的演唱轻柔舒缓,深具疗癒效果;因被选在电影「恋夏500日」而大受欢迎的史密斯合唱团(The Smith)《Please, Please, Please》,在她的演唱之下更让人感受到与原唱完全不同的情调与意境,另外,英国老牌摇滚乐团OMD的《If You Leave》也唱出完全不同的氛围。在诠释皇后合唱团(Queen)的超级金曲《I Was Born To Love You》时,茱丽安妮.泰勒特别以缓慢的节拍展现其迷人歌喉,情深意执让人感动。芝加哥乐团的经典情歌《Hard To Say I’m Sorry》同样也唱得入木三分,透过她的嗓音带领乐迷神游歌词与音乐之外的迷人境地。《Can’t Let Go》、《We Go Round》以及《Forever Our Love》这三首歌曲则是茱丽安妮.泰勒的创作曲目,完全配合她的嗓音特质与宽广音域,加上克尔特式的独特编曲,当然更是不容错过!
专辑列表/Album Lists:
- 2012 – Julienne Taylor – Live At The Lyric SACD Download Now
- 2012 – Julienne Taylor – The Heart Within SACD Download Now